Temporal Substance

The Tears of Narcissus (why is the sea salty and the river sweet) Oil and acrylic on unstretched canvas with eyelets 2.9m x 1.8m 2021
Performative Painting: Link to recital of Full Fathom Five before the canvas.
Tears of Narcissus (virtual re-assemblage) no dimensions
Performative painting with meditation beat box video link:
Return of The case of the missing Shade of Blue, Oil on Canvas 2021 120 x 150 cm
The Case of the missing Shade of Blue, oil on unstretched canvas with eyelets
SHANTI DEVI AND THE REINCARNATION OF VENUS, Acrylic and Spray Paint on unstretched canvas with bronze eyelets, 2020
Folded for one hour at approx. 1pm after bell sounding (see below)
Instructions for enfolding of the painting thereof:
Point of view, Acrylic and Spray Paint on unstretched canvas with bronze eyelets, 2020
Son-dial, Acrylic and spray paint on unstretched canvas, 2020